Phrak’s Greyskull Linear Progression
by Jayteee
Day 1:
- Overhead Press / Bench Press (alternating) 3×5
- Chinups / Barbell Rows (alternating) 3×5
- Squats 3×5
Day 2:
- Overhead Press / Bench Press (alternating) 3×5
- Chinups / Barbell Rows (alternating) 3×5
- Deadlifts 3×5
Day 3:
- Overhead Press / Bench Press (alternating) 3×5
- Chinups / Barbell Rows (alternating) 3×5
- Squats 3×5
- Do warm up sets to get to working weight.
- The last set is As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP set)
- Progress by adding weight from workout to workout – 2.5lbs for upper body and 5lbs for lower body
- If your final AMRAP set hits 10+ reps, then double your weight increase
- Any barbell row variant will do, but Yates rows are recommended
- Feel free to use Power Cleans to warm up for Deadlifts
- Chinups are palms facing you, approximately shoulder-width grip – begin unweighted, adding weight in 2.5lbs increments
- If you cannot do 3×5 chin-ups, do negatives until you can
- If you fail to make five reps in the final set, de-load by 10 percent