by Hardy
This '531 for MMA and combat sports' is a two day template for the 5/3/1 training program created by Jim Wendler.
Jim writes in his blog about this specific combat sports oriented 531 template. This two-day program can be great for people who train very high intensity sports and need to suppliment it with strength training.
You can customize this routine and add assistance exercises as you see fit.
Read in more detail on his blog and buy his book.
531 for BJJ, 531 for jiujitsu, 531 for wrestling, 531 for martial arts, 531 for combat sports, 2-day 531.
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 5, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 5, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 5, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 3, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 3, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 3, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 3, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 1, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 1, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 1, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %
This AMRAP set is also a target for Progressive Overload rules. If you do more reps than 1, the TM will be suggested to increase next session.
Deload: After 1 uncompleted session, Training Max will be suggested to decrease by 10 %